- Cupboards that have plenty of light, either no doors or glass doors, will have less problems with creepy crawlies. It is best to paint them a light colour too.
- Mousse, ganashe and thickened custards can be used as cake fillings.
- For a very quick mousse simply add a packet of your favourite flavoured mousse to cream and mix until thick. Decorate and serve.
- For a beautiful topping for baked pasta or potato dishes mix together grated cheese and cream, spread over the top of your dish and lightly sprinkle with paprika before baking.
- Substitute the butter and milk in recipes with cream to give a richer flavour.
- Never use a garnish that can’t be eaten on meal plates. Inedible garnishes can be used for presentation platters.
- To add interest to mashed potatoes add sautéed bacon, shredded cheese or your favourite mustard.
- To add interest and texture to salads and sandwiches use a peeler to make long carrot strips.
- When making vegemite sandwiches in bulk (as for a large function) mix the butter and vegemite together to save time. This can also be done with other spreads.
- For really crispy roast potatoes turn your oven up to high and roast in duck fat as it has a high smoking temperature.
- Instead of serving jam and cream separately consider whipping the jam into the cream to create appetising colours and flavours.
- To make quick and easy meatballs simply buy your favourite sausages, extrude the meat, shape into balls and fry.
- Always practise a recipe before cooking for a function or friends. This will give you confidence and allow you to ‘iron out’ any problems before the event.
- Always taste your food before service. Chances are that if you don’t like the taste neither will your guests
- Before having guests over for dinner find out what their food preferences are. This will save hurt feelings and embarrassment for both the host and guest
- A heated knife blade will make it easier to neatly cut sticky or crumbly cakes.
- Dip your knife into icing sugar to stop it from sticking while cutting marshmallows.
- A sandwich press is a must-have item in the kitchen. It can be used for toasting, frying and to quickly cook items such as sartees by closing the press.